MSA Law Office

Solving Your Legal Problems Head-On
Integrity, Trust, Accountable
Powerfull Protection For Our Clients
Solving Your Legal Problems Head-On
Integrity, Trust, Accountable
Powerfull Protection For Our Clients

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Mohammad Syaifulloh Annur, S.H.,M.H., CIRP, C.C.D. adalah pendiri Kantor Hukum MOHAMMAD SYAIFULLOH & ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICE atau disingkat MSA LAW OFFICE, latar belakang pendiri sebagai In-House Counsel pada Biro Hukum di salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dibidang Manufaktur dan Konstruksi dan Perusahaan Swasta lainnya selama 12 (dua belas) tahun dengan Jabatan terakhir di BUMN sebagai Senior Manager Hukum.


Berbagai penugasan khususnya dibidang hukum baik Litigasi dan/atau Non Litigasi telah diselesaikan dengan hasil yang memuaskan bahkan menjadi value added bagi Perusahaan untuk mengurangi risiko hukum dan kerugian Perusahaan. Bidang keahlian yang dimiliki yaitu Hukum Korporasi, Hukum Kontrak khususnya Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur (Kontrak EPCC), Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. Pendiri merupakan Advokat Anggota Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI) dan Anggota Asosiasi Perancang Kontrak (APK).


Pendiri menempuh pendidikan Strata-1 pada Fakultas Hukum Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, dan meraih gelar Magister Hukum Bisnis dari Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. Berbagai Pendidikan Non Formal dan Kursus telah diikuti antara lain Certified Industrial Relation Professional (CIRP); Certified Contract Drafter (C.C.D.); dan Pendidikan & Pelatihan Brevet A&B Terpadu.


Jl. Ketintang Barat 5/96A Surabaya

Griya Asri Menganti 4/A-3 Hulaan –

Menganti – Gresik


+62 817 2010 83

+62 813 3339 8883




Our Articles

Corporate Law firm

Corporate law firm deals with matters related to various legal aspects of a corporation, including but not limited to the legal status of corporation, permit and licenses, industrial relation between corporate and its employees, corporate actions and transactions, corporate restructuring, merger, consolidation and acquisition, shareholder structure, agreement with third parties, asset management, intellectual property rights, corporate investment and financing.

Services provided by Corporate Law Firm including legal advice, legal assisting, agreement drafting and reviewing, legal due diligence, legal opinion, representing the company in negotiation, advising and handling the corporate legal documentation, permits and license, organizing general meeting of shareholder, representing the corporation in and out of court in settling the dispute with third party, legal services in the stock exchange and giving inhouse education to the clients as well.

In general, Corporate Law Firm give their service to its client for the purpose of averting any exposure of legal risk that may affect the client corporate and/or to mitigate any legal risk that already affected it. In this matter it is recommended for a company to have a Corporate Law Firm accompany them from the early stage of their activities, even from the incorporation stage, therefore the client could be prepared to conduct its activity in the basis of legal compliance and good corporate governance.

For example, in entering into transaction a company could ask for Corporate Law Firm advice in the matter of the legality of the agreement, legal standing of its representative and its counterpart’s representative, to measure the risk of the transaction scheme and to plan its mitigation thus to deliver such measurement into the clauses within the agreement, to make sure all provision are executable and reinforceable, including the settlement and remedy if a dispute happened, and to confirm that all matters set out in the agreement is beneficiary to corporate client’s interest before closing the particular transaction.

As one of the growing Corporate Law Firm in Jakarta, Indonesia, Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office have the extensive experience of providing the aforementioned corporate legal service to wide range of corporate clients whether local or international clients, state owned enterprise or private companies, also not to mention individual experiences of each Partner and senior associates in the firm. 

Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office have giving corporate legal services to some state-owned companies, amongst other PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Persero) and its subsidiaries, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero), Pertamina Group, PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero)/(Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund/IIGF), PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero), PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero), PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero), PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (Persero), PT Indofarma Tbk (Persero) and its subsidiaries, PT Aneka Tambang (Persero), Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), PT Lintas Rel Terpadu (LRT) Jakarta, and PT Barata Indonesia (Persero). Then, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, Jaya Group, PT Axa Services Indonesia, Regent Aerospace Corporation, and EMKA Beschlagteile GmbH & Co. KG.

Litigation Law Firm

Litigation Law Firm giving legal service to their clients in the scope of advising and representing the client through the judicial proceeding in court or particular dispute settlement forum such as Arbitration or mediation center. Furthermore, the scope of litigation service could be classified into some judicial branch, amongst other: criminal and civil/private in the public court, industrial relation / employment dispute, intellectual properties dispute, and bankruptcy in specialized civil court, divorce and inheritance dispute for the moslem and sharia economic dispute in the religious court, public administration case in the state administration court. There is also forum for challenging the judicial verdict in the aforementioned court at the high court for the appeal and the supreme court for the cassation and judicial review in the Constitutional Court. Aside of the aforementioned there are some specialized court such as military court for any judicial proceeding related to the military personnel, tax court, maritime court and also the constitutional court.

It is necessary for a person or company who enter the proceeding in any court for having themselves accompanied by a Litigation Law Firm. Therefore, they can have and deliver strong legal argumentation, well preparation in providing proof and/or witnesses required for convincing the judges and having them represented by the certified advocates from the Litigation Law Firm. The professional service and measure provided by the Litigation Law Firm in representing the client is aiming to achieve the most beneficial result in favor to the client’s interest.

Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office also have its  activity as a Litigation Law Firm with their litigation team which our members are certified advocates from Indonesia Advocate Association / Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (Peradi). Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office litigation team consists from the senior litigators which have the extensive experiences in handling the court proceeding in Indonesia to well-developed associate litigators.

Boutique Law Firm

The term Boutique Law Firm is associated to a law firm which have a specialty with extensive experience, knowledge and capability in a specific certain field. For example, a law firm that is well known and well experienced for giving service in the field of mining or in the maritime and shipping matters could be categorized as Boutique Law Firm.

Throughout its activities Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office have been grown to be a Boutique Law Firm with its well-experienced Partners and Associates extensive knowledge in some specific legal fields, amongst other: i) State Owned Enterprise legal matters; and ii) Maritime and Shipping legal matters

As the Boutique Law Firm specialized in State Owned Enterprise, Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office has been one of the advising lawyer for some of the well-known State Owned Enterprise in Indonesia, amongst other PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Persero) and its subsidiaries, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero), Pertamina Group, PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) (Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund/IIGF), PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero), PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero), PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero), PT Bank Nasional Indonesia Tbk (Persero), PT Indofarma Tbk (Persero), PT Aneka Tambang (Persero), and PT Barata Indonesia (Persero).

Dewi Djalal & Partners have giving service to the aforementioned State Owned Enterprise in relation to the corporate action which planned to be taken by them, especially in measuring the risk of the transaction plan in relation to the legal compliance and to make sure such plan shall not be considered as a corruption crime in relation to the state finance. We have giving advice and accompaniment regarding State Owned Enterprise asset optimization as well.

Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office also have the extensive experience in handling maritime and shipping matters. Amongst them are experiences in advising and handling sale and purchase transactions of various type of vessels, drafting, reviewing and negotiating charter party (time charter and/or voyage charter), Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), contract of bunkering, shipbuilding, ship agency, ship repairing, vessel towing, vessel brokering, crewing, back to back charter hire, bareboat charter, ship breaking/scrap, ship register, and mortgage of vessel. Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office is experienced on handling dispute settlement, litigation, and arbitration for shipping cases. Notable clients for this matter amongst other: PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero), PT Lintas Samudra Sejahtera, PT Caraka Tirta Pratama, and PT Oceanindo Prima Sarana.

Law Firm Jakarta

As an Indonesian Law Firm located in the Indonesia’s special capital city of Jakarta, Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office has the advantages of dealing with strategic government-related matters and to handle legal matters related to international legal subject and/or transaction. It also has the advantage to dealing with legal matters related to stock exchange and financial institution in Indonesia in which currently the regulating and supervising institution, such as Financial Service Authority and Bank of Indonesia, are located in Jakarta.

Law Firm Indonesia

Dewi Djalal & Partners is Law Firm which conduct its activities and giving service in Indonesia. With extensive knowledge, understanding and experiences about Indonesia’s Law and Regulation, Dewi Djalal & Partners is determined to give the most advanced, reliable and practical legal solution for its client’s needs and interest in Indonesia.


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